Dibber is having a long lasting positive impact on the environment!​
We actively work on curating a sustainable supply chain, reducing our energy consumption and disposing waste in a responsible way. At the same time, we educate the next generation on how their actions affect the environment and the importance of sustainability.​

The focus of Dibber’s current environmental efforts fall within the following categories:​
Climate Impact​
All children in Dibber preschools are educated on the impact their actions have on the environment and how to be responsible global citizens. Environmental issues are featured throughout the Dibber Pedagogy. ​
We aim to reduce the food waste produced in our units due to incorrect portion sizes. We also aim to manage all of our waste in a responsible manner and to work with suppliers who do the same.
We are continuously working on reducing the amount of waste created in our schools. We have clear monitoring systems in place in certain markets which we hope to roll out in all markets. This will support our efforts to significantly reduce the amount of waste produced in our units. This will, amongst others, be achieved through the optimalization of our supply chain and the continued digitalization of our units.
Natural Resources​
Dibber is implementing policies that ensure responsible use of natural resources and educating children on the importance of this.​
We aim to operate our preschools as energy efficient as possible, and always choose the cleanest energy source available to us in each market. Dibber also has an ambition to always have sustainability in mind when making procurement decisions.​